Stiu o tipa.
Da ok, bine, si tu sti multe tipe si ce e cu asta?
Tipei asteia, nu o sa-i spun numele, nu pentru ca ar vrea sa ramana in anonimat sau ceva, dar numele el e pur si simplu prea fabulos ca sa imi permit sa il scriu, meh.
In fine deci tipa asta e mica, cam cat un urs de plus mare, sti cum arata un urs de plus mare nu? Pe cat de micuta e ea, pe atat de mare e personalitatea ei, si e genul acela de persoana la care cred ca nu ma mai surprinde nimic. Nu o cunosc foarte, extrem de bine, si totusi.
Atunci de ce mai scriu despre ea?
A, pai sa vezi, e o poveste amuzanta, sau nu chiar.
Azi ii explicam cum dupa cateva luni mi-a venit inspiratia sa scriu si bineinteles ca a venit cu o replica de genul "Scrie despre mine!".
Ok fie, scriu despre tine, si da am grija ce scriu, fiindca esti mituta si am grija de tine, da?
Tipa e o killerita.
Nu, nu a omorat pe nimeni, poate doar in mintea ei diabolica, dar cine nu face asta. Probabil ca a omorat nervii cuiva, pentru ca uneori vorbeste ca o moara stricata, dar in rest este harmless.
"I want to kill everybody in the world" mai sti mei? *laughing*
Si da asa am inceput sa-i zic, ca e o killerita.
Bine, daca pana acum am fost putin rautacioasa ( si asta doar pentru ca ily si imi permit *puppy dog face* ) tipa are si calitati.
Scrie super.
Nu o sa zic genial, fiindca i se urca la cap, dar tipa, ei bine se pricepe.
Imi place sa citesc cand scrie cate ceva, si raman placut suprinsa ca mintea aceea diabolica impleteste cuvintele atat de frumos.
Bine petite S. am scris despre tine, nu prea mult dar sincer, enjoy. *hug*
vineri, 11 iulie 2014
Grandiose et unique
I know it's been a long time since yesterday, and I know you miss me
already. You know I miss you too, but I also know that you told me to
stop hoping ... and it's really hard for me not to hope when I see you,
when I see your smile. And even if I would have been there, I still
couldn't see you, because when I do, I get filled with hope , and
honestly, I'm trying to kill this bitch, before she kills me. This
probably doesn't make any sense to you, but it doesn't matter, I already
know that I never made any sense to you either. You are complicated,
and believe me or not I absolutely respect that. Complicated leads to
great satisfaction, because complicated implies effort to get what you
want. The greater the effort, the greater the satisfaction.
I gave up, or at least I think I did. Maybe writing these words to you means that I'm still trying. I don't really know what to believe.
You make me feel insecure when you want me around. And it kind of bothers me, because that's all you want, me being around you. You won't open the doors of your soul, you won't let me explore this land. This makes me think that you are insecure too. You won't allow this things to me because you are afraid that I may destroy the last drops of trust you still have.
I may say a million times I won't, but I start to believe that I may not be able to keep my promise, which makes me sad. But in the same time makes me respect you even more. I always apreciated everything that is unique.
I know one day you will find the power and trust to open up those gates, for someone that is dedicated to stay. And don't get it wrong, that is not going to make you less unique, because your open up will be grandiose.
I gave up, or at least I think I did. Maybe writing these words to you means that I'm still trying. I don't really know what to believe.
You make me feel insecure when you want me around. And it kind of bothers me, because that's all you want, me being around you. You won't open the doors of your soul, you won't let me explore this land. This makes me think that you are insecure too. You won't allow this things to me because you are afraid that I may destroy the last drops of trust you still have.
I may say a million times I won't, but I start to believe that I may not be able to keep my promise, which makes me sad. But in the same time makes me respect you even more. I always apreciated everything that is unique.
I know one day you will find the power and trust to open up those gates, for someone that is dedicated to stay. And don't get it wrong, that is not going to make you less unique, because your open up will be grandiose.
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